Monday 8 March 2010

A way for Independents in 2010 next....NEON GOLD

From listening to Primary Colours and admiring the glorious affection I have for XL Recordings, who seem to operate a tight ship when it comes to releasing gems, I've decided to look at some of the labels who start off the formidable bandwagon for talent, two words spring to mind independent and limited.

Today its focusing on Neon Gold, principally formed out of New York and London, this record label found its feet in 2008 with Lizzie Plapinger and Derek Davies, a specialisation in hearing future stars and producing limited edition releases that leaves the scensters wanting more and the A&R whipping boys scampering around to find the next gig by these fresh faced future startlets.

I looked at Neon Gold first and foremost because of the talent that has been unleashed onto the public over the last few months, Ellie Goulding reaching the top of the mountain with her lights, Marina dreaming of Hollywood and Passion Pit reeling over surprise successes (sorry for the puns, having a dodgy afternoon). The link between the US and UK/Europe has seen to have done the record label the world of good, and this ear for talent can only bring more success for the record label. With record labels like these, you can still believe that with its music hearing aids set to a high frequency we can unearth some more gems hidden underneath the somewhat stale and frequently insolent reign of the modern day pop charts (Syco, tut......tut).

From being a avid fan of the labels such as Neon Gold, a strong urge is needed to check out some of the talent that they have given a chance to and will no doubt dent some kind of indie forcefield that is relenting from endless guitar based dronings about nothing....

Neon Gold, thank you, KEEP IT COMING......!

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